So I am gearing to go up north, like 9 hours up north with the girl friend. So in keeping with proper preparation educate I went on a virtual spending spree. To bad the PS Vita didn't come out sooner, it would have been the perfect senario to break in the new tech. So what did I get?
Reactable Mobile
First on the list was Reactable Mobile. I wanted this dj set up ever since Bjork used it in Coachella performance in 2007, then I found it it was something like 8,000 Euro's. Luckily for me and every other broke ass wanna be dj Reactable has made a mobile app, and its pretty robust. Its $9.99 and have just scratched the surface of how effective of a tool this really is. I will say this, the learining curve is pretty steep. This maybe due to the fact that I have no idea what I am doing when it comes to using this interface and yet Reactable was smart enough to include both a quick guide and an in depth online instructional manual right into the App. Full review is coming, but check it out in action: You can see the shit get real at minute 4:47
also check out their site:
and buy it here:
Tapper World Tour HD
Whoever was a kid in the 80's and remembers arcades will remember this game. I consider it one of the first "tower defense" game I ever laid my hands on. The concept is simple, your a bar tender and you serve drinks by sliding them to thirst patrons as the start piling into your bar. If the patron gets to close to your edge of the bar, you lose a single life. The patrons also slide back empty glasses, lost a glass lose a life. You lose all your life its game over. I bough this 2.99 gem for nostalgia purposes only, and I had to TEAR myself away with the fear I was going to play it all night.
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
Capcom makes great handheld games, the only problem is that I really don't have a handheld gaming device. I do, however have an iPhone and when I hear Ghost Trick was coming out I had to check it out, plus the first 2 levels are free! It was like a mature ghostwriter (all the kids from the 90's chime in). You play a ghost of a recently murdered by this blue faced dude, and there is another ghost helping you with your new found powers (called tricks) as you shadow your killer shadowing and trying to murder a witness to your murder, a nosey redhead. How will this mystery unravel? I'll let you know in a review. One more thing to note, the music is FANTASTIC. Currently looking to download it all over the internet, throw me a comment if you know where to get it.
Check out the first 2 levels for free, then spend 9.99 on this sweet game:
And the whole reason I stayed up all night is:
Shank 2
The sequel to one of my favorite games on the psn (Sooned to be named "SOE"), Shank is back in the aptly named Shank 2. Klei cleaned up the animation, switched up the controls and messed with how you roll with weapons. Again, I just started playing the game but already I know every time I fire up my ps3 this is what I am playing, that is until the new Twisted Metal drops on Valentines day. The only reason I stopped playing the first Shank was I got all the unlockables and trophies, and I am not an achievement whore by any stretch. It still in heavy rotation when I have friends come over. The new one is harder, but that's not a bad thing. Ill let you know all the bloody details in an a review, but for now just download it so later I dont have to tell ya, "I told you so" Plus its only $9.99 Now if only I had a vita and could download it there as well.
There you have, stimulating the economy 1 digital download at a time. I'll hook you up with reviews once I have logged in some "real" game time.
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