Tuesday, March 6, 2012

New Music Tuesdays - Ceremony, Grimes And Doulogue

Another Tuesday and another day of highlighting new music that is coming out or just came out. SxSW is just around the corner and due to devastatingly bad luck I will not be taking this holy pilgrimage to Austin TX. For all of you not attending the festivities I give you 3 pieces of audio that should hold you over.

Ceremony - Zoo

Coming out last month, Ceremony's 4th album Zoo is a bevy of garage rock fuzz filled notes, punk chords and all around rock melodies that take me back to a decade where rocking 3 different flannel's at the same time was socially acceptable. Even though Ceremony didn't emerge until after the 90's were over, this San Fransisco punk band has been making music like they were at the forefront of that sound that made all of us hate MTV for being the sole provider of music videos (when MTV played music videos). As quoted from my girlfriend "They kinda sound like Green Day" and shes right, they kinda do, only a lot more aggressive and not as clean(which in my humble opinion is a very good thing). Songs like "Quarantine," "Hysteria", and "Nosebleed" have me hitting back on my ipod so I can relive that musical experience. Will this band ever make it to regular rotations on Alternative Rock radio stations? Probably not but they should, Zoo has a universal quality that I think anyone can appreciate. Ceremony's album Zoo is out on Matador and I highly recommend it.

Grimes - Visions

Who likes mellow beats with a sweet lady voice that makes all the people nod their heads wherever they hear that magical sound? This guy does! Out on 4AD, this album according to the almighty wiki, only took 3 weeks to make in a Canadian apt. Getting a whole lotta buzz I wouldn't be surprised if you started to hear her music being used to advertise the newest economy sedan or ipod color. These are not knocks, far from it. In fact I hope she gets paid to make more music. I dare anyone to listen to any of the tracks on Visions and not be hypnotized by her catchy hooks and laid back DIY pop sounds. Hard to describe but easy to listen to Visions by Grimes should be an easy purchase to make.

Duologue - A-B EP

First off I thought that the name "Duologue" was a play on words, and surprise surprise its not. It is an actual word, (according to http://www.thefreedictionary.com/duologue) check it:

n.A dialogue or conversation between two persons: "a reasonably well-constructed duologue for two experienced performers" (Noel Coward).

Who knew? Anyways these London based sound innovators have an interesting EP out called A-B. I dig it, its only 4 songs long but its not about quantity, its about quality. Normally I would go onto describe the sound and tell you to "pick it up" but not this time. Go ahead an formulate your own opinion, check out their youtube channel and rate em for yourself.


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