Monday, March 19, 2012

3/18/12 New Noize on 92.9 KJEE Santa Barbara's Modern Rock

3/18/12 New Noize on 92.9 KJEE Santa Barbara's Modern Rock
Hosted by Haaris Ahmed

I am a DJ at 92.9 KJEE Santa Barbara's Modern Rock and one of the cooler things I get to do is host my own hour called New Noize where I get to slice your ear drums with new sounds. Below you will see my playlist plus a hyperlink to the radio page where my playlist resides...I have also added any music videos (if available) via youtube plus if the music is free check for hyperlinks

1. Ben Kweller "Mean to Me" noise

2. The Wombats "Jump Into the Fog" bright antenna

3. The Mars Volta "The Making Jewel" wb

4. Anya Marina "Notice Me" chop shop

5. Cursive "The Sun & Moon" saddle-creek

6. Bear in Heaven "Kiss Me Crazy" Dead Oceans

7. Wild Belle "Keep You" sandhill

8. Father John Misty "Hollywood Forever Cemetery Sings" sub pop

9. Cults "Oh My God" playing @ Velvet Jones 3.24.12

10. Spoek Mathambo "Venison Fingers" sub pop

11. Santigold "Big Mouth"

12. Hodgy Beats (feat Flying Lotus) "Lamented"

13. awE naturalE "QueenS" sub pop

14. Gorillaz/James Murphy/Andre 3000 "DoYaThing"

15. Animal Kingdom "Strange Attractor" mom+pop

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

New Music Tuesdays - Bear in Heaven, Cursive, Claps

Bear in Heaven - I Love You, Its Cool

I have a pretty big bias when it comes to Bear in Heaven for the simple fact that they make excellent music. Deeply layered, catchy lyrics and the right amount of fuzz makes their newest album, I Love You, Its Cool, a must buy for any hipster and non-hipster. Not saying that this is for everyone, but if you want to venture out into a world of new audio then one definitely wants to run into Bear in Heaven. If you had to compare their sound they would be comparable to bands like Animal Collective and Radiohead.

I Love You, Its Cool is a great album. Stand out tracks like Cool Light and Idle Heart really captivates the entire feel of the disc. It sounds like the making of this album was a labor of love and you can hear the fun embedded in every track. If you have never heard of Bear in Heaven this new album is a great way to start. I haven't had the pleasure of checking these guys out yet, but this Brooklyn based band does have a show at the Echo (in LA) coming up in April, hmmmmm. While I ponder best be sure I am listening to Bear in Heaven's I Love You, Its Cool.

Cursive - I Am Gemini

As 2012 ends there are a couple of significant things that are happening, the aligning of the planets, a new installment of Sin City, and we as a civilization are moving from the house of Pisces to the astrological sign of Aquarius, apropos the 1969 hit Age of Aquarius by the 5th Dimension. What does this have to do with Cursive's newest album I am Gemini? Nothing really I just like talking about that song and 2012.

Cursive's newest album, I am Gemini is full of short songs. There is only 1 track that breaks the 5 minute mark. This is not a bad thing by any means, these shorts spurts of audio excellence has shaped I am Gemini to a tight, under 45 minute album that would make any drive on the 101 (or any road trip) that much more exciting. Cursive has a distinct sound, but has been able to play with their style making songs like Wowowow, The Cat and Mouse, and Drunken Birds. My prediction on I am Gemini in 2012 is: Any Cursive fan is going to love this new album and it should tear up the College charts.

Claps - Wreck

Elecro is fun. Elecrto is old. Electro is back. Does that make new Electro retro? Claps play Electo. Claps have a new album, Wreck and its Electo. Its new but feels retro. Minimalism through analog sounds plus synthesizers makes me smile. Thus I like Electo and like the new album from the Claps.

New Noize 3/11/12

I am a DJ at 92.9 KJEE Santa Barbara's Modern Rock and one of the cooler things I get to do is host my own hour called New Noize where I get to slice your ear drums with new sounds. Below you will see my playlist plus a hyperlink to the radio page where my playlist resides...I have also added any music videos (if available) via youtube plus if the music is free check for hyperlinks

3/11/12 New Noize on 92.9 KJEE Santa Barbara's Modern Rock
Hosted by Haaris Ahmed

1. Claps "Across the Floor"

2. Bear in Heaven "Cool Light" Dead Oceans

3. Sleigh Bells "Never Say Die" mom+pop

4. The Magnetic Fields "God Wants Us to Wait" merge

5. The Mars Volta "The Making Jewel" wb

6. Cursive "Wowowow" saddle-creek

7. Ceremony "Repeating the Circle" matador

8. The Kills "Crazy" (Willie Nelson cover) domino

9. Oberhofer "Away Frm U" glassnote

10. Hodgy Beats (feat Flying Lotus) "Lament"

11. Gorillaz/James Murphy/Andre 3000 "DoYaThing"

12. Santigold "Desperate Youth"

13. Now Now "Thread" trans

14. Nite Jewel "One Second of Love" secretly canadian

15. Poor Man "Any Place" sub pop

16. Races "Big Broom" frenchkiss

17. Daniel Rossen "Silent Song" warp

Friday, March 9, 2012

Reflections of 32 years

32 years ago I was cut out C section style at Elizabeth General in New Jersey. Somehow I ended up in Southern California not knowing what tomorrow will bring. I have seen some amazing things, the Berlin wall fall, a black man become president, a deer carcass exploding on I-78 as BMW Z3 drove over it and the rise of the internet. Its crazy times we live in, I remember when Hip Hop was called a fad, Voltron lions was made out of lead paint (and was recalled), and graffiti artists went from public scourge (and private hero's) to legit artists (and pretentious tools).

Here are some things that I have experienced and learned in my 32 years of being on this planet. This isn't an official list or anything, just stuff I can remember of the top of my head.

Some of My Favorite Shows of All Time (in no particular order without dates)

Tool @ Hammerstein Ballroom (part of a secret 4 show tour pre Lateralus)

Dead Weather @ the Mayan

Daft Punk @ Coachella

Sonic Youth @ the Greek Theater for the Daydream Nation Tour (they did all of Daydream Nation cover to cover, then came back on and did 9 songs off of rather ripped, over 3 hours plus i talked to King B of the Melvin and Spick Jones)

Grinderman @ the Music Box (Henry Fonda)

NIN @ MSG for the Fragile Tour

M.I.A. @ the Echoplex

Pearl Jam & Ben Harper @ Randell's Island No Code Tour (first show with a friend who would become a brother)

Gorrillaz @ Electric Factory (Philadelphia, PA)

NIN & BORIS @ Schottenstein Center Columbus OH

Mars Volta @ Santa Barbara Bowl 2005 (post Frances the Mute Tour)

White Stripes @ Radio City Music Hall

Flight of the Conchords @ Santa Barbara Bowl

Boris @ the Casbah in San Diego

Autolux @ the LA Museum of Natural History

Yeah Yeah Yeahs @ the Mayan

Rage Against the Machine & Wu tang Clan @ Continental Airlines Arena 1997 (Zack broke his ankle midway thru the set, taped it up and finished the show and Atari Teenage Riot got boo'd off stage)

Foo Fighters @ Velvet Jones in Santa Barbara

Favorite Video Games Music/Soundtrack

Legend of Zelda (1st, Super Nintendo)
Streets of Rage
Guilty Gear (1 and 2)
PixelJunk Shooter 1&2
Sword and Sorcery
The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai
Final Fantasy III

Worst Video Game Music/Soundtracks

Marvel vs Capcom 2
Super Puzzle Fighter

Things That I Have Learned to be Absolute

Protect Ya Neck
Pistachio Ice Cream is the Best
She is ALWAYS right
Best pizza is located in the tri-state area
There is only 1 trilogy and that's Star Wars
Halloween is the best Holiday that isn't a federal holiday
My mom is my favorite chef
Tyler Stout is an amazing poster artist
Wu Tang Clan still and always will be Nothing to Fuck With

I can go on listing things for days, but that would be kinda narcissistic, well more narcissistic than this post already is so I'll stop. Big ups for reading, posting and supporting through out the years.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Live Report - GZA at Velvet Jones 3/7/12

Santa Barbara is know for many things but Hip Hop shows aren't one of them. On the off nights when this does happen, it usually ends up being a shit show of opening acts who have zero talent, followed by the main act who will come on way to late and cut out early so you can understand the skepticism of me going out on a Wednesday night to see a hip hop show, but its the GZA and as a loyal Wu fan I must show my support. (plus it doesn't hurt getting a text message from the owner of the club wishing you a happy early birthday and comping tickets, you the man Craig)

I took the trip down to the Velvet Jones (a primer spot in downtown SB to see awesome artists at a tiny 300 max venue) and got in around 10:30. GZA didn't go on until 11:35ish. It was during this period where I wondering if I had made the right decision. The show was all ages plus it was on a Wednesday night and to be perfectly honest I expected the club to be semi full at best. I was WRONG. Velvet was packed, in fact they sold out. There were kids running around in the club bobbing their heads to some seriously horrible music, if you can call that garbage sound music. I figured GZA was going to come out for 30 minutes tops and then call it a night. WRONG AGAIN.

GZA comes out and starts to tear through liquids swords doing all of his verses, then he got to Shadowboxin' where he started to spit Method Man's into verse, I lost my shit when that happened. Since he was only doing his verses in the traditional MC format of himself, his hypman and dj, they were able to play alot more content. I can not recite his set list by heart, but I can tell you what songs he did preform (in no particular order):

Duel of the Iron Mic
Cold World
4th Chamber
Liquid Swords
Rough Cut
Animal Planet <---first time I heard him do this live, it was a personal highlight
Knock Knock
Beneath the Surface
Crash Your Crew
All In 2gether
Breaker Breaker
Brooklyn Zoo (ODB cover)
Clan in da Front
7th Chamber
Protect Ya Neck

and more! I just cant remember. So yes I was relived that I stayed for the whole thing, if I hadn't I would have missed a killer GZA show.

He was having fun on stage, during his set he would grab peoples cell phones as they were recording right out their hands, flip the camera towards himself, get real personal and give it right back to the now super stoked Wu fan. He was also taking pulls of the local flavors in the crowd and hitting on a all the ladies. At one point he thew a girl a piece of paper, she got a pen and handed it right back to him after jotting something down. Like Raekwon said, "Damn right we fuck fans". One of my favorite moments was towards the end of his late night set, GZA got his comedy style on. At one point some kid jumps on stage and GZA lets him do a freestyle, watch what happens, its pretty embarrassing:

GZA ended up staying on stage until the club shut him down. He preformed literally until they turned on the lights and shut off his mic. I for one am glad that my almost 32 year old ass got up and went to this show, I would have been pissed if I was reading this and not have gone.


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

New Music Tuesdays - Ceremony, Grimes And Doulogue

Another Tuesday and another day of highlighting new music that is coming out or just came out. SxSW is just around the corner and due to devastatingly bad luck I will not be taking this holy pilgrimage to Austin TX. For all of you not attending the festivities I give you 3 pieces of audio that should hold you over.

Ceremony - Zoo

Coming out last month, Ceremony's 4th album Zoo is a bevy of garage rock fuzz filled notes, punk chords and all around rock melodies that take me back to a decade where rocking 3 different flannel's at the same time was socially acceptable. Even though Ceremony didn't emerge until after the 90's were over, this San Fransisco punk band has been making music like they were at the forefront of that sound that made all of us hate MTV for being the sole provider of music videos (when MTV played music videos). As quoted from my girlfriend "They kinda sound like Green Day" and shes right, they kinda do, only a lot more aggressive and not as clean(which in my humble opinion is a very good thing). Songs like "Quarantine," "Hysteria", and "Nosebleed" have me hitting back on my ipod so I can relive that musical experience. Will this band ever make it to regular rotations on Alternative Rock radio stations? Probably not but they should, Zoo has a universal quality that I think anyone can appreciate. Ceremony's album Zoo is out on Matador and I highly recommend it.

Grimes - Visions

Who likes mellow beats with a sweet lady voice that makes all the people nod their heads wherever they hear that magical sound? This guy does! Out on 4AD, this album according to the almighty wiki, only took 3 weeks to make in a Canadian apt. Getting a whole lotta buzz I wouldn't be surprised if you started to hear her music being used to advertise the newest economy sedan or ipod color. These are not knocks, far from it. In fact I hope she gets paid to make more music. I dare anyone to listen to any of the tracks on Visions and not be hypnotized by her catchy hooks and laid back DIY pop sounds. Hard to describe but easy to listen to Visions by Grimes should be an easy purchase to make.

Duologue - A-B EP

First off I thought that the name "Duologue" was a play on words, and surprise surprise its not. It is an actual word, (according to check it:

n.A dialogue or conversation between two persons: "a reasonably well-constructed duologue for two experienced performers" (Noel Coward).

Who knew? Anyways these London based sound innovators have an interesting EP out called A-B. I dig it, its only 4 songs long but its not about quantity, its about quality. Normally I would go onto describe the sound and tell you to "pick it up" but not this time. Go ahead an formulate your own opinion, check out their youtube channel and rate em for yourself.

Monday, March 5, 2012

New Noize 3/4/12

I am a DJ at 92.9 KJEE Santa Barbara's Modern Rock and one of the cooler things I get to do is host my own hour called New Noize where I get to slice your ear drums with new sounds. Below you will see my playlist plus a hyperlink to the radio page where my playlist resides...I have also added any music videos (if available) via youtube plus if the music is free check for hyperlinks

3/4/12 New Noize on 92.9 KJEE Santa Barbara's Modern Rock
Hosted by Haaris Ahmed

1. Duologue "Crave" wild game

2. St Vincent "Cheerleader" 4AD

3. Sleigh Bells "Demon" mom+pop

4. TJ & the Past Haunts "Janice Haynes" no sleep

5. Ceremony "Quarantine" matador

6. Hodgy Beats (feat Flying Lotus) "Lamented"

Download for FREE here

7. Gorillaz/James Murphy/Andre 3000 "DoYaThing"

8. Abnormal Injustice Presents the Skateboarding Gay Style tape...Jen vs Tim Okazaki "Sushi Flavor"

Download for FREE here

9. Nite Jewel "One Second of Love" secretly canadian

10. The Mars Volta "The Making Jewel" wb

11. Oberhofer "Away Frm U" glassnote

12. Santigold "Desperate Youth"

13. Animal Kingdom "Strange Attractor" mom+pop

14. Micky Avalon "Girlfriend" banana beat

15. Wild Belle "Take Me Away" sandhill sound

16. Grimes (ft Doldrums) "Color of Moonlight"(Antiochus)

Friday, March 2, 2012

I Was a Judge

For a night that is. Last night, me and my fellow radio weekend DJ Ricky Biggs filled in as judges for UCSB Battle of the Bands, the winner would go on to preform (opening act to get all technical) at UCSB's free summer concert the Extravaganza. I don't like to judge music dispite the fact I am a huge music snob, I just don't think its right for someone to judge art, it just is. I digress and besides, this is all about fun so I was looking forward to seeing what undiscovered gems turn up. I might see the next moterhead or Arcade Fire on stage, you never know.

I am not gonna name any of the bands that lost just give you highlights. The rules are simple, each band has a 20 minute set, and at the end we 3 judges decide on who the best band is.

1st band up was appreatly pretty well know in according to the 3rd judge (she went to UCSB and is part of KCSB, UCSB's college radio station). They were actually good and were my front runners right off the bat. If they checked their levels better and the lead singer would just close his mouth while they play the have the potential (i said potential) of being a Mogwai/Russian Circles/Red Sparrows type band.

2nd band started off well, but as they played I started paying attention to what they were playing and one could hear how simplistic its was. Then there was a huge pause after their first song and brought up 2 college girls to sing with them, I wish they wouldn't have. These ladies were not on the same page, pulling flat notes and not harmonizing properly are only some of the reasons how these ladies college girls killed this bands opportunity of opening the Extravaganza.

The 3rd band, which at last count had 11 people on stage including 2 saxophone dudes and an actual bridge section, took the stage with costumes and were ready to go. They were tight and you could tell they practiced cause of how professional their 20 minute set was. The crowd was loving them, they covered MGMT's Electric Feel and somehow made their version alot more upbeat than the original (dont know how but they did). They knocked off the 1st band as the front runners, 2 more bands to go.

The 4th band came on and what a tragedy that was. Everything was sloppy and thier style was totally generic. They had the whole 311/sublime thing going, but it wasn't working at all. Like 311 says, you gotta come original. The worst part about it was that you could tell that their band was totally feeling on themselves thinking they were all good, funny how perspective works. If someone told me to check out this band and I actually took their advice that somebody and me would no longer be friends after this show.

5th band was a nice escape, they definitely had a different sound and overall appeal, but anything good I was about to say was quickly squashed as soon as the lead singer let his preteniuos feathers fly, taking off layers of clothings, talking smack and thinking his band rules. If his music was actually good or he was talented in any way I would let him get away with being pretentious, but hes not so I am gonna burn this guy. Between his Gavin Rossdale look, super tight jeans, bullshit stage banter and generic music these cats did not get my vote.

I believe me and my fellow judges made the right decision and the 3rd band (Fire Department) with the Saxophone men won.

Big ups to Cindy and the rest of the Staff at UCSB for letting this radio DJ judge, it was a fun experience. And thanks again for the Turkey Burger, it hit the spot.

Follow Ricky here

Opinion Action - Why Mario Party 9 Will Fail

Mario Party, what can I say, its one of my favorite games from back in the day. Having 2 younger brothers plus my crew (all of which are still gaming in their 30's) have fond memories of sitting in my parents NJ basement button mashing, star stealing and treaty signing as this hybrid virtual board game became one of our favorite video games; so much so it became a staple of our AM gaming ritual. I have been an avid Mario Party player when it debuted back in 98 on the N64, not by choice mind you, but I quickly grew to love the game. We were suckers for this series, anticipating our favorite mini games, dreading being paired up with inept partners, and making fun of anyone who won any of the button mashing contests; all of these were contributing factors that had our collective of playing/following the series onto the Gamecube and eventually the Wii. Something happened to our Utopian gaming sessions, I moved to California.

So now that I am in killer Cali online gaming has kept my relationships with my brothers and other brothers supremely strong. Between Boston, California, NJ and NYC my core constituents still get down, and our recent collective purchase of Twisted Metal has proven to keep my East Coast counterparts up way past their bed times.

Which brings me to the sadness which is Mario Party 9. Despite my Wii collecting dust I would purchase this game in a heartbeat IF IT WAS ONLINE. But its not, which makes my head hurt. Nintendo is focused on their handheld connectivity but when it comes to Wii its non-existent. Don't get me wrong, their are plenty of Wii games that are online, just not any that I am going to put down Twisted Metal for. Mario Party 9 looks amazing, but why is it not online Nintendo? Doesn't it make sense to be able to play this party game online? Wouldn't that be a selling point to consider when marketing this game? Was it too expensive to support the online functionality of this game? This is a huge fumble on Nintendo's part by not supporting online capabilities when it comes to the Mario Party series.

You might be saying, "Haaris, why not play locally the way the game was meant to played?" Simple really, my friends in southern California don't really game. The rare and I mean RARE time my girlfriend games with me its always Tetris (which is awesome cause she is DAMN good at making mad lines yo). I would have better luck of creating lead into cupcakes then to initiate a new game into the mix. Mario Party is not one of those "5 minute games" that you can play before you go out for the night to actually "Party" it takes time, like a monopoly board game time.

This opens the doors surprisingly to the ps3 and the new Vita. With the Vita being able to do remote play and connect to your friends I don't see myself purchasing Mario Party 9, which is a shame really cause the game looks so DAMN good. I would rather invest in a $250/$300 Vita then buy another Wii game that will stay closed most of its life.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Elvira Sighting

Mistress of the night is still doing her thing thing, still funny as all hell and still looking good. Check her out:

and to be fair this is up at a pretty rad site that reviews all kinds of tasty beverages, check em here:

Free Hodgy Beats EP, Free S.mouse! and New Sleigh Bells

Since I dropped the ball this week, specifically New Music Tuesdays, I am gonna hook you up with some serious bangers.

Hodgy Beats Untitled EP

First up Odd Futures audio slicer Hodgy Beats is dropping new music goodness, only this time he's got a grip of talented producers including Flying Lotus, Alchemist and Juicy J (this dude won an Oscar). The ep may be short, but its packed with some of the greatest beats I have heard all year coupled with Hodgy's destructive lyrical style makes this Untitled ep a must buy. Since we are talking about Odd Future then we are talking FREE music. Odd Future has proven that you can make music FREE and still be able to maintain yourself as an artist. Not only is this EP free, its production value and content is of the highest caliber, its a win win for everyone.

Get the free ep here

Abnorml Injustice Presents- Songs for​.​.​.​.​or the S​.​mouse! Tape

Lets get down on some more free tunes for you cheap mofo's shall we. S.mouse! has been called the worst thing to happen to Hip Hop, a scouge of the rap game, a candy striper of the hood if you will. highlighted in Angry Boys on HBO we follow the explosion which is S.mouse! implode when the realities of the game overtake and destroy his carrier. From the ashes S.mouse! drops the "!"(much like his label dropped him) rises with some free beats. He takes audio clips from this past season of Angry Boys and lays them on some seriously funky beats. Still waiting on his solo independent project "The Real Me" that is apparently getting an independent release, in the interm get your S.mouse! on with these tunes straight from Abnormal Injustice, for FREE.

Check it here

Abnormal Injustice Presents The Skateboarding GayStyle Tape or the Jen vs Tim Okazaki Tape

For those tiger moms and gaystyle skaters here Abnormal Injustice Presents The Skateboarding GayStyle Tape or the Jen vs Tim Okazaki Tape. If your lucky you can catch Tim skating at the local spots right here in Santa Barbara or see his mom (Jen Okazaki, mastermind and creator of the GayStyle brand) pushing grocery carts around at the local Vons (cause she cant afford to shop at Whole Foods) or training Tim's little brother at the local mini golf spot.

get it here for FREE

Sleigh Bells - Reign of Terror

Originally signed to M.I.A. label for their debut album Treats Sleigh Bells is back and now on mom+pop with their sophomore record, Reign of Terror. How does it stack against Treats? Reign of Terror blows it out of the water. They are still producing a hyper aggressive sound on maxed out instruments, this time its a but more refined and structured. Its hard to imagine that its only 2 people in this band, even when they play live. Check out the new album and if you have a chance check em out live, they are fun to watch.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

!!! live at Soho in Santa Barbara

Oh Tuesday nights, how slow and uneventful you are. Especially in the tiny corner of America known as Santa Barbara, what to do, what to do? I used my power of the hook up and got me and a fellow on air radio dj coworker Bernie Bags to come get some serious funky bass action on a Tuesday night. Much to my surprise he was ALL about it once I mentioned that it was a !!! (chk chk chk) show. I had 1 stipulation, we had to check out the opening act, Wild Belle, I have spun them on New Noize and only had their single so I had to check it, get it? More on that in a bit.

Stroll into Soho, a tiny venue with a whole lotta character, around 930ish (perfect timing by the way) and Wild Belle was just getting on stage. Things that you note at first glance included, theres like 5 people in the band, damn that chick can sing and shes super fine, does that dude have a saxophone? He does! and he plays guitar? and 2 keyboards, plus he's gonna sing.

Wild Belle was a nice, mellow opener of what was to come. This band must have started out as a reggae crew, as they were pulling some classic reggae movements, base lines and melodies mixed with their own sound. Did I mention the lead singer was not only strikingly beautiful, but her voice was, well strikingly beautiful. All in all check em out, I dug em and would definitely see them again.

Ok time to get down on some !!! Before going to this show I was super tired, I mean its a Tuesday night, the venue was at 75 % capacity tops, I wasn't having any fermented beverages and my bed was calling my name the whole night. Then !!! decide to come out. The only time I saw them was at a Coachella in like 2006/2007, it was in the middle of the day and I was 1/2 passed out during that show due to heat and sweaty hippies. I have only heard good things from hipsters and non hipsters a like.

Another quick side note about Soho. Its one of those venues that has a staple over 40 crowd that goes to any show they put on. This is especially good people watching when you mix an all ages show, as was the case this past Tuesday night.

!!! take the stage and withing seconds anyone who was feeling blah (like myself) instantly morphed into a dancing fool. !!! had 6 people killing it onstage, and at some point youngings would get on stage and shake it up until security threw em of stage, silly rabbits.

When you are talking about !!! your talking about funky bass, a WHOLE LOTTA FUNKY BASS. The bass player was like the pied piper and the crowd was in a total dance trance as he and his fellow band members forced the crowd to involuntary pull the crazy dance moves that would embarrass the most brazen tween. Oh white people, sometimes you just make my night.

Talking about white people, the lead singer, Nic Offer, is one bad motherfucking Motherfucker. His ability to uplift and maintain the groove level of the crowd at a steady high was uncanny, his dance moves would dissolve your retina's and his voice will make any ear hole bleed to make room for more sound to get in. !!! took a Tuesday night and kicked the shit out of it, so yeah they kicked ass, shoulda' been there.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

On the Console - Road Rage, Demi-God Anger and Shanks

Oh the ps3, its my mistress and like any good girlfriend on the side I have to constantly shower her with new things. The last couple of weeks she has been getting a-lot attention.

Twisted Metal

I have been waiting 11 years since Twisted Metal Black dropped and I am happy to report that this 2012 version of Twisted Metal kicks some serious ass. I am currently running through the Campaign/Story mode (normal) 3 things jump out at you.

1.- These cut scenes are AMAZING. Great storylines, sadistic subject matter, and Calypso is a twisted dude. Eat Sleep Play did a wonderful job meshing live action with special effects to create a unique visual storyline experience. According to the almighty internet they are making a movie out of Twisted Metal which in all honesty does not need to happen, just look at these cinematic scenes. I force my human girlfriend to sit down and watch the "The Twisted Fate of Sweet Tooth" She was thoroughly disturbed by the imagery and asked me if what we were watching was a movie. She shook her head and proceeded to make my dinner. (perks of a human gf).

2. THIS GAME IS HARD!!!!! As stated earlier I am playing on Normal and this game is not for the faint of heart. This adds to the gameplay plus I love challenging games but the main reason I am having so much difficulty is that you use every single button on the controller. The learning curve is a bit steep, but I am sure once my muscle memory kicks in I will be ready for playing the game on Twisted. Currently I am stuck on the dollface race, so HARD.

3. These levels are huge. Twisted Metal shines when it comes to level construction. One of my favorite moments in gaming was in TM2 when you got to blow up the Eiffel Tower and it crumbled right before you, no cut scene, no camera redirect, it just blew up in real time wherever you were in the game. The same can be said about the level construction for the most recent Twisted Metal, only this time there is a lot going on, stages are HUGE, moveable parts, lava pits, electric fences, and break away buildings only scratch the surface of the level madness. Eat Sleep Play better have held on to those programming cats who put some serious love into each and every level.

Truth be told I havent gone online just yet, have to beat the game first. I did set up a clan, but again havent been able to bust that feature open just yet. Wanna be part of my TM clan? Friend me on the PSN, name is MenglerMeng, in the body put "theroamingronin" and mention that you read this and boom, we will get down!

Totally get your road rage one and pick it UP

Asura's Wrath

Finally a game with a brown dude who is not a terrorist! Well sort of, but I'll take it. Far to long have Pakistani's, Indians' and people of Middle Eastern decent have watch as every other race's gets some serious shine while we make up side characters or villains. Sure you have Dhalsim , but no one plays with Dhalsim (fuck that noise) Rikku (FFX) Zasalamel (Soul Calibur) and Altai ibn-la'ahad (Assasins Creed) to name a few. That my seem like a substantial amount of representation, but its not. No one I know, especially the Pakistani's and Indians will even play with Dhalsim, Rikku was amazing in FFX/FFX-2 a few appearances in Kingdom Hearts but never the main character. Surprise, surprise Zasalamel is not in the latest Soul Calibur and dont get me started on Assassins Creed. How are you gonna steer away from a bad ass like Altir? I know we will make an even more bad ass version of this dude, but this time make him white from France, and we will base all of our future sequels on this, WHITE character. Ok, time to climb off my political horse, thanks for bearing with me.

Asura's Wrath is the best non video game video game I have ever played. The buzz on all the gaming blogs is how much of a non game it is, and for the most part they are all right, Asura's Wrath is much more than a game, its an experience to behold. Sure its riddled with quick time events, but oh these quick-time events are god of war epic. Each level is broken down into a T.V. episode format, with intro credits and a too be continued messages tagged at the end of every episode. Even the fill-in single picture anime sequences with subtitles had a old school film feel to it giving it an almost 8mm look. The gameplay is pretty fun, to bad there is not enough of it, not nearly enough. Have I beat the game yet? Nope, but when I do I'll tell ya.

This game is great for the people who like to watch video games, its got humor along with some serious action and a whole lot of yelling in the narrative, at times I though Asura was going to go super saiyan, but instead of getting all blue eyed and blonde (racism is killing me inside) you grow some extra arms, try doing that Vageta....

I am not going to ruin any of Ashura's Wrath with any spoiler alerts but I will say this, the story-line is all over the place, drawing a-lot of their lore from Hinduism and Buddhism yet there are references to western divinity as well (Mithra is Asura's daughter, Mithra is a god in ancient Rome {technically Mithra started out as a Persian/Hindu god but was incorporated into the roman god system}) Whoa I just dropped double parentheses, word.

As far as gameplay goes its like this, there are a lot of qte's. Though it does not make the game extremely challenging it makes the experience very dynamic. Throw in the fact that it is done "episode to episode" format instead of traditional level by level and each episodes gameplay is totally different from the last you have a very unique and FUN experience. For example the opening sequence I am flying through space killing Zerg-like starships, then by the next episode I am action platforming, etc etc.

So to die hard fans of Capcom and anime buy this game. Hardcore fanatics of game play should check this game out as well, the story is really REALLY good. Hopefully Capcom will make this into a Franchise Series and with a bit more actual game play this game could be a game changer.

Fuel your anger Asura Style and if your brave enough young gamer, go for it.


YES!!!!! The sequel to one of my favorite games ever. If you haven't played with the first Shank go out and download a copy. From the storyline to the cartoonish graphics to the voice acting kudos to Klie for making a truly kick ass true sequel.

The story picks up right where the last Shank ended. Only this time you just don't play as Shank, on certain levels you play with the female protagonist, Corina. There are some differences between the 2 Shank games, but for the most part Klie has improved this game hand over fist. This is not to say that its perfect, far from it. Klie took out the Story driven Co-Op (which was my favorite) and messed with the pick ups that you get in the game. Instead of Co-Op story mode Klie decide to make the survival mode Co-Op (both local and online) and the survival modes are crazy fun and get crazy hard. The furthest I have gone is to level 28, and after every10 levels or so there is a bonus Zombie round. Currently am working on beating the game on hard mode and have yet to hit level 30 in survival.

The game is only 9.99, so pull out the homemade shank and force your peoples to BUY IT!!!!! Best investment in gaming right now. Hopefully they will support remote play on the PS Vita, it would be the perfect game to play on that handheld.

Check out my picks and leave a comment. Let the trolling begin!!!!

On the Console

Simply put, a new segment featuring games I am currently running through. Most video game bloggers and journalisst get advanced promotional copies of games that we "normals" have to buy in real time. So these will have elements of review-like-posts, but wont be full blown reviews.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

New Music Tuesdays

School of the Seven Bells - Ghostory

The twins are back, with Benjamin Curtis to release their new album Ghostory. This being their 3rd SOTSB sound is more mature than any of their previous works, in fact it sounds like Air if anything. My suggestion is to pick this album up and unwind after a long stressful day.

Soft Swells - Soft Swells

Originally from NYC and now purely California, the new self titled Soft Swells album is a solid record that any indie or alternative kid should own. I could on to say that they have blended their beach/garage rock with elements of pop that should send this record for regular spins on commercial radio, but I'm not cause it impossible to get added to regular radio spins of a song. Should you buy this? Sure

Surfer Blood EP

So this "new" ep (Taro Classic) isnt that very new anymore, but who cares cause they are finally coming to Santa Barbara. I like this band you should like them to. The show is @soho 2/23/12 , I'll bet im the only Pakistani there. And if you haven't picked up this ep or their full length then you are definitely lost touch with reality...

New Noize 2/19/12

I am a DJ at 92.9 KJEE Santa Barbara's Modern Rock and one of the cooler things I get to do is host my own hour called New Noize where I get to slice your ear drums with new sounds. Below you will see my playlist plus a hyperlink to the radio page where my playlist resides...Click on a song and get rerouted to the audio, do it, go ahead and just touch it.....

2/19/12 New Noize on 92.9 KJEE Santa Barbara's Modern Rock
Hosted by Haaris Ahmed

1. The Mars Volta "The Making Jewel" wb

2. Santigold "Big Mouth"

3. M.I.A. "Bad Girls"

4. Sleigh Bells "Crush" mom+pop


5. Nero "Crush on You" mercury

6. Example "Change the Way You Kiss Me"

7. Air "Seven Stars"

8. School of the Seven Bells "Lafaye" vagrant

9. Of Montreal "Malefic Dowry" polyvinyl

10. Surfer Blood "Miranda" playing @ Velvet Jones 2/23/12

11. Wild Belle "Keep You" open for chk chk chk @ soho 2/28/12

12. The Magnetic Fields "Andrew in Drag"

13. Gardens & Villa "Black Hills" jagjaguwar playing @ Casa de la Raza 2/24/12

14. Grimes "Oblivion"

Special shout out go to Robbie Rodriguez, who suggested i just embed my entire playist via youtube. Follow him on twiiter: @RobbiRodriguez

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

New Music Tuesdays

Another Tuesday and another day to talk about some new music that will be dropping or has just dropped.

Nero - Welcome Reality

Where did these guys come from? A duo from the UK these cats take the current trend of "dub step" and make it there own. The album has a very aggressive undertone but manages to still retain a pop like quality to it that most dub step/electronic music lacks when it comes to meshing theses styles. I have never seen them live, but in order to survive in the gamne right now their live show better be as big as their sound. It has to be with people like deadmous5, Skrillex, and Daft Punk putting on insane live spectacles that produce more light and suck more power in a single night then most third world countries would use in a day.

Now check Nero's video for "GUILT", If your into florescent lights, Japanese business men and pole tricks by chicks who are rocking the Mileena (mortal kombat) face masks then this is the video for you.....

Puscifer - The Conditions of my Parole

Maynard is back with a second album from his other other band, Puscifer. Is The Conditions of My Parole different from the first album? Very. Is that a good thing? Very, no one like the same old sound. I wouldn't call Puscifer slow by any means, its just much more subtle when it comes to their movements, then before your know it your drowning in some heavy audio. I do have a bias so just pick up the album and formulate your own opinion. Check the cgi video:

Ashtar Command - American Sunshine

I don't know if i like this band or not just yet. Check out this video for "Gravity", its is bizarre

Monday, February 13, 2012

New Noize 2/12/2012

I am a DJ at 92.9 KJEE Santa Barbara's Modern Rock and one of the cooler things I get to do is host my own hour called New Noize where I get to slice your ear drums with new sounds. Below you will see my playlist plus a hyperlink to the radio page where my playlist resides...Click on a song and get rerouted to the audio, do it, go ahead and just touch it.....

2/12/12 New Noize on 92.9 KJEE Santa Barbara's Modern Rock
Hosted by Haaris Ahmed

1. The Big Sleep "Valentine" frenchkiss
2. Ashtar Command "Gravity"
6. Nero "Doomsday" mercury
7. M.I.A. "Bad Girls" 11. Sleigh Bells "Comeback Kid" mom+pop
12. Of Montreal "Dour Percentage" polyvinyl
13. Lana Del Rey "Video Games"
14. WAZU "Murder 1" anti-language

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Free Tunes

Ok so originally I was going to go on a small rant about how all third party videogame publishers should make their indie games available on all platforms despite how much it would cost to convert their games format over various platforms, needless to say my argument would not be sound. Thats why their labeled "Indie Game" or something along those lines. If you read the earlier posts, I went on an indie game spending spree, Shank 2 and Ghost Trick were both purchased, and that sparked me to look up an indie game by Ska Studio's, specifically "The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai". Sadness soon crept in due to the fact that Ska Studio's still hasn't ported to the PSN or the iPhone. It looks like the only place it lives is on X-box live, which is a shame cause I don't have an X-Box.

You might be asking, what does all this bullshit have to do with free music, patience young Jedi. The Dishwasher has a killer sounndtrack, KILLER. I went to Ska Studios website and saw that they have posted all their music with the "pay what you feel" model. Needless to say I picked up all 3 albums for FREE from this model. Since you can set your own price this should be a no brainier. How do you get these free beats?

And if you like em, throw in some cash.


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Digital Downloading Freeze

So I am gearing to go up north, like 9 hours up north with the girl friend. So in keeping with proper preparation educate I went on a virtual spending spree. To bad the PS Vita didn't come out sooner, it would have been the perfect senario to break in the new tech. So what did I get?

Reactable Mobile

First on the list was Reactable Mobile. I wanted this dj set up ever since Bjork used it in Coachella performance in 2007, then I found it it was something like 8,000 Euro's. Luckily for me and every other broke ass wanna be dj Reactable has made a mobile app, and its pretty robust. Its $9.99 and have just scratched the surface of how effective of a tool this really is. I will say this, the learining curve is pretty steep. This maybe due to the fact that I have no idea what I am doing when it comes to using this interface and yet Reactable was smart enough to include both a quick guide and an in depth online instructional manual right into the App. Full review is coming, but check it out in action: You can see the shit get real at minute 4:47

also check out their site:

Tapper World Tour HD

Whoever was a kid in the 80's and remembers arcades will remember this game. I consider it one of the first "tower defense" game I ever laid my hands on. The concept is simple, your a bar tender and you serve drinks by sliding them to thirst patrons as the start piling into your bar. If the patron gets to close to your edge of the bar, you lose a single life. The patrons also slide back empty glasses, lost a glass lose a life. You lose all your life its game over. I bough this 2.99 gem for nostalgia purposes only, and I had to TEAR myself away with the fear I was going to play it all night.

Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective

Capcom makes great handheld games, the only problem is that I really don't have a handheld gaming device. I do, however have an iPhone and when I hear Ghost Trick was coming out I had to check it out, plus the first 2 levels are free! It was like a mature ghostwriter (all the kids from the 90's chime in). You play a ghost of a recently murdered by this blue faced dude, and there is another ghost helping you with your new found powers (called tricks) as you shadow your killer shadowing and trying to murder a witness to your murder, a nosey redhead. How will this mystery unravel? I'll let you know in a review. One more thing to note, the music is FANTASTIC. Currently looking to download it all over the internet, throw me a comment if you know where to get it.

Check out the first 2 levels for free, then spend 9.99 on this sweet game:

And the whole reason I stayed up all night is:

Shank 2

The sequel to one of my favorite games on the psn (Sooned to be named "SOE"), Shank is back in the aptly named Shank 2. Klei cleaned up the animation, switched up the controls and messed with how you roll with weapons. Again, I just started playing the game but already I know every time I fire up my ps3 this is what I am playing, that is until the new Twisted Metal drops on Valentines day. The only reason I stopped playing the first Shank was I got all the unlockables and trophies, and I am not an achievement whore by any stretch. It still in heavy rotation when I have friends come over. The new one is harder, but that's not a bad thing. Ill let you know all the bloody details in an a review, but for now just download it so later I dont have to tell ya, "I told you so" Plus its only $9.99 Now if only I had a vita and could download it there as well.

There you have, stimulating the economy 1 digital download at a time. I'll hook you up with reviews once I have logged in some "real" game time.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

New Music Tuesdays

Simply put, new music comes out on Tuesdays, and I will be hooking you up with my recommendations to new music that has just come out or is about to come out.

A Place to Bury Strangers - Onwards to the Wall EP

This is they type of music that they wished they could make in the 80's. This ep is very LOUD and I am pretty sure that someone forgot to level the sound out during the master recording session causing this audio to blast all my other music into nothingness. Its dark, it's got a new wave 80's touch and is hyper aggressive.

††† (crosses) - EP ††

Another EP review? Yup and this one is a side project from Chino of the Deftones. Throw Far's guitarist Shaun Lopez and Scott Chuck and you get some crunchy noise and orchestrated distortion that can only be created in Los Angeles. All you gamers might recognize
††† from the track "Years" which is on the Arkham City Soundtrack (and apparently that track can only been found on the soundtrack). The new EP came out last week and has been in constant rotation in this guys iPod. I will admit it, at first I dismissed this band entirely and I can't tell you why. Then after receiving the second ep, I quickly went back to the first EP to see what the problem was. Safe to report it was me, I must of been having a bad day or something cause the ††† rule! Here's a song off EP †† about one of my favorite years, 1987

Of Montreal - Paralytic Stalks

Like I wasn't going to give you a full length too look forward to. Of Montreal's new one is out as of today in all of its glory. Taking ques and building upon their previous sound, Of Montreal has incorporated a dizzyness of abstract noise with their signature flare. Paralytic Stalks reflects Of Montreal's live spectacle when they preform. You might be scratching your heads out there on that last statement but anyone who has ever seen this band preform live knows what I am talking about. Colorful, tragic, sublime, dark, blood curling and confused are just some of the adjectives that touches on Paralytic Stalks variety
of concepts and feel. Pick it up sun!

Click here to buy the limited edition Fuchsia double vinyl.

Monday, February 6, 2012